1 minute read

Sometimes an AJAX request on a page you’re developing needs to hit a server on a different domain. Web browsers’ Same-Origin Policy means (among other things) that other domains called from AJAX need to be whitelisted using the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

While this limits the damage malicious Javascript injected into a page can do, it’s annoying in development. You could whitelist your dev box,, or (depending on how you work), but that’s ugly.

Fortunately, there’s an easier way, temporarily disable same-origin policy.

The Chrome Browsers have a command line option --disable-web-security which turns off the same-origin policy. Of course you don’t want to visit web pages out in the wild security disabled. To sandbox your browsing, launch a separate browser. For this, I use Chrome Canary Google’s “bleeding edge” version. It’s not stable enough for everyday use, but is fine for testing and different enough to remind me where I am.

Using a separate browser also means I don’t have to restart my browser and loose my 100 tabs (and getting Chrome to actually exit completely is harder than you’d think).

Once you’ve downloaded Chrome Canary simply launch via:


open -a 'Google Chrome Canary' --args --disable-web-security


"C:\Users\<your-user>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome SxS\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security

Linux (Installing Chrome Canary is a project beyond this post.):

/path/to/chrome-canary --disable-web-security

Once Canary launches, you should see…

Stability and Security will suffer.

…and you are good to go.
