Dynamic Keys for Strongbox
Previously, Strongbox, my gem for using Public Key Encryption with ActiveRecord, allowed only one key pair for encrypting all of the records for a given Acti...
Previously, Strongbox, my gem for using Public Key Encryption with ActiveRecord, allowed only one key pair for encrypting all of the records for a given Acti...
Over a year ago I wrote the wildly popular Encrypting Lots of Sensitive Data with Ruby (on Rails). At the end I said: Clearly, this screams for a plugin; w...
So, you have a column in your database you can’t update after the record is created. Not don’t want to update, but can’t. Specifically, you might have a c...
Rick Olson’s attachment_fu is a great plugin for attaching files documents to Rails models. It’s a rewrite of his acts_as_attachment plugin. While it can h...