
Not Stupid SSH Tricks: Automatic ssh-add

less than 1 minute read

If you password protect your SSH keys (and you should) and you don’t store those passwords in your macOS keychain or Linux equivalent (slightly paranoid, but...

Capistrano SSH

2 minute read

A quickie this time. I use Capistrano to deploy my Rails apps. There was a gem for Capistrano 2 that added an ssh command as in:

Grabbing SSH Keys from GitHub

1 minute read

A quickie this week. When I’m wearing my Ops Hat (I totally need to make me an “Ops Hat”, something with lights and a grappling hook), I often find myself se...


2 minute read

Recently (I seem to start a lot of posts with “Recently”), I was on the road needed to access a server that was behind a firewall. There was no VPN and acces...

Sudo, Rsync, and Authentication Forwarding

2 minute read

rsync will happy copy files between servers and will keep the ownership and permissions the same. However, if you aren’t the owner of all of the files then o...

Stupid ssh-add Tricks

2 minute read

If you are reading my blog, odd are you already know how to use ssh-add to manage you SSH keys. If not, you can read up on it.

Managing SSH Keys

1 minute read

To securely access your servers you use SSH keys. Passwords can be guessed, just look in your logs to see all the people trying. But, you know that. You’ve g...