JWT Basics
JSON Web Token (JWT) have come in to my life. I like them and you will too… Pronounced “jot”, the short version is that they are cryptographically signed blo...
JSON Web Token (JWT) have come in to my life. I like them and you will too… Pronounced “jot”, the short version is that they are cryptographically signed blo...
whois is a command line tool to look up registration information for domains, things like owner, location, and contact info. WHOIS (all caps) is a protocol f...
Speaking of secrets, here’s how I keep them in the shell. Why do I have secrets in the shell? Typically, they are things like API keys and passwords for web ...
Last time, I looked at keeping environment specific configuration using YAML files and Rails.application.config_for. One big issue with this approach is secu...
Previously, I looked at the simply way of creating Rails stages that shared same configuration with Production by simply importing production.rb into the new...
A quick tip — When I’m deploying Rails apps to Staging or Beta I try to keep the configuration as close to Production as possible. I’ve gotten bitten one too...
Well, I might as well round out my Server Name Indication (SNI) sort of series by taking a look an nginx. Does your nginx support SNI? You can check by runni...
Last time, I looked at configuring Server Name Indication (SNI) with Apache. It just so happened I needed to set up SNI with the HAProxy Load Balancer last w...
I covered Server Name Indication (SNI) a while back, but it still surprises me how little people know about it. So, it’s time to look at configuring Apache t...
Ever gotten a disk full error, only to run df and not see any full disks? After banging you head against the wall for a while, you remember to run du -i and ...