Dotfile Organization Part I: Local vs. Remote
I’m embarking on a long, long over due project to organize my dotfiles, you know, all those files in your home directory that start with “.” and configure yo...
I’m embarking on a long, long over due project to organize my dotfiles, you know, all those files in your home directory that start with “.” and configure yo...
In my occasional series on waiting for things, I setup a BASH function to wait for AWS CloudFront invalidations. I mentioned it would be possible to invalid ...
Here’s about as esoteric a post as I ever write, my love of pushd and it’s little abused directory stack. If you don’t live on the command line, move along, ...
If you have a lot of SSH keys loaded you may run into the dreaded:
It’s surprisingly hard to find info on getting the MIME type of a file in Rails. Rails has MIME::Type (and the confusing and undocumented MIME::Types). You c...
A quickie today on leveraging “the cloud” for warm-ish spare servers.
So, first I talked my first programming experience, learning via type-in programs. Then I looked at the shotgun approach my university took. In this final po...
Last time I talked about my first experience with coding, entering and debugging a type-in program on a mainframe. This time, how I learned “Computer Science...
It’s Boulder Startup Week. With so many tech startups in town, there a lot of focus on code and coders. How do you become a developer? What developer career ...
A couple of posts back, I showed off some functions to pop up notifications when a host became pingable again or when a port became reachable. Today’s (semi)...