With 30+ years of experience as a Software Developer and a UNIX Sysadmin, I will solve your problem and leave you wishing you could hire me on full-time.

Senior Rails Developer

I have been working with Rails since 2006, have built tiny sites on my own, sites used by hundreds of thousands as part of big teams, and everything in between. Whether you need a new site architected from ground up or minor updates to an existing one, I will get it done.

Software Generalist

I love Ruby! However, my career continues to take me to new places. Recently, I’ve worked on project using Python, Unity (C#), Groovy, and Salesforce Apex to name a few. If you need someone to puzzle out a new technology or compare different options, talk to me.

Front-End Coding

I am well-versed in modern JavaScript frameworks like React, Vue.js, and Node.js, having moved on from earlier technologies like jQuery and AngularJS. I have a solid understand of HTML, CSS, and frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwindcss. I let me say upfront, I am not a designer and I don’t play one on the net. However, when it comes to implementation, I’ve got you covered.

Senior System Administrator

I first touched UNIX (4.2 BSD) in 1985 and I haven’t put it down since. I have extensive experience with usual Linux subject and long term relationship with FreeBSD. Whether it’s the old stand by LAMP, the new hotness Docker, or something in between (MongoDB anyone?), I know your stack. Whatever your needs, fresh installs, new architectures, updates, or problems solved, I can provide.

Rescue Projects

Who you gonna call? (Spoiler: It’s Spike.)

30 years as both a developer and a sysadmin means I’ve seen it all and I can bring that experience to your problem. I specialize in:

  • Unbreaking Rails apps
  • Upgrading outdated servers
  • Getting the damn thing to boot one more time
  • Migrating existing code bases to modern techniques and technologies: test, automated deploys, revision control