Open Github Repos From the Command Line

less than 1 minute read

If you’re ever sitting in a Git repository in the shell and want to view it on Github, here’s some quick laziness.


alias view-on-gitub=$'open `git config --get remote.origin.url | awk -F: \'{ print ""$2}\'`'

(The $ after the = is an example of using Bash’s ANSI C quoting mechanism.)


alias view-on-gitub 'open `git config --get remote.origin.url | awk -F: ' \' '{ print ""$2}' \' '`'

(CSH single quote escaping is even more convoluted…)

Basically, we grab the remote URL from with git config, strip out the repo path and slap in front of it with awk, and then use open to feed the new URL the default web browser.

This makes a couple presumptions:

  • You are in a Git repo.
  • You are using SSH style URLs.
  • open is OS X specific. On Linux you’d want xdg-open or gnome-open, on Windows, start, under Cygwin, cygstart.

Making it smarter is left as an exercise to the reader.
